Blog Posts

Previously commissioned blog posts.

Professional Reviews 150 150 admin
Professional Reviews

Professional Reviews

With over 15 years of experience writing product reviews for brands and news sites, I have worked with hundreds of companies offering insightful reviews.


Check out my feature-length reviews on Marie Claire here.

Expert and Opinion Pieces 150 150 admin
Expert and Opinion Pieces

Expert and Opinion Pieces

I have previously worked as an expert for and a part-time expert for

Find my articles on Je Joue’s blog, here.

Keep an eye on Lovehoney’s blog, to read campaigns and articles I have collaborated on.

I am available for hire as a part-time expert when it comes to writing blogs and articles.

Adult Industry Copy 150 150 admin

Adult Industry Copy

From creating your brand voice and house style to writing your about me pages, blogs to product descriptions, I’m able to write adult industry copy that’s e-commerce and SEO friendly whilst getting your message out there.

Sex Toy Copy

Charity Blogs 150 150 admin

Charity Blogs

Pride Blog Examples

Pride Charity Blog Example

Medical Blog Posts 150 150 admin
Ness Cooper Medical Blogs Portfolio

Medical Blog Posts

BMJ blog post by Ness Cooper

Find the main article

The BMJ is one of the leading UK’s medical journals and blogs. It was amazing to be accepted to write for them.